Posts Tagged ‘visitors’

Mike and Sandy’s visit pictures

I didn’t take very many pictures during this last visit–I was too busy trying to get writing done, I guess. But I do have a few!

Conor and Wesley in the van that Mike and Sandy rented (the kids loved this van–it was so novel):

Mary, Grandma Sandy, and a snake:

Mary, buttering her own bread at Mama Stella’s:

documentation: Wesley poses for Grandpa Mike:

Mary and Grandma chatting:

Grandpa and Wesley examining some kind of technological device (Mike’s phone?):

High excitement–trying out the lawnmowers outside of the hardware store:

Next time, I’ll try to take some decent photos. But at least there’s proof that they were here!

No-complaining Thursday: poor baby

Wesley is sick.

I feel sorry for him, obviously. But he is so, so cute and snuggly that a part of me is sort of cherishing it.  I know–mean. But oh–the cuteness. He is cuddling me more or less every waking moment. And he isn’t cranky, just tired and sad and snuggly. I hope he recovers soon, but still. Cute.

Mike and Sandy arrived last night, so we had dinner with them and with David (who is in town for work). Mary almost couldn’t handle the excitement. All these men keep arriving who look sort of like Daddy.

pictures of Grandma and Grandpa’s visit!

So, my parents left town on Saturday, having–in addition to the things in my last post–replaced our kitchen ceiling fan, microwave, and iced tea maker; replaced the screen on the screen door; mowed the lawn; helped me plant asparagus and spring onions; played in Mary’s kiddie pool; etc., etc.

Some highlights of my pictures from the trip:

We visited the National Harbor and Mom took some pictures of Conor, Mary, and me playing around the Awakening statue (which used to be at Hains Point):

Check out that 34-week belly:

We set up Mary’s pool, which was a big hit:

Mom did a ton of laundry, including helping wash/sort all kinds of baby clothes for Wesley or to give to the next available baby girl:

Mary wore a flapper hat:

And yet, everyone found time to relax a little bit: